Okay the first show was the NGAE. National Greeley Art Exhibit. It turned out to be a nice show, though when our contract for the first location was broken, we were stuck with finding a new location in two weeks! Like that is going to happen ... right! But it did. We opened in the City Hall here in Greeley and the show turned out very nicely for a rush job! The show was June 1st through June 14th. Our Juror was Scott Freeman. Here's the best part, I won an honorable mention with "Lost", my graphite "painting" of the Long Eared Owl.
The second show is on now at The Tointon Gallery for the Visual Arts. This is a smaller show, and the opening was July 26th. My entry was "Branding on Elk Mountain." I recently renamed this one from "...Never got used to that smell" which is a line from the John Wayne movie the "Cowboys" which no one else remembered.
Best in Show!!
Now this was a super surprise. And so many folks complimented and talked about the piece. It was so much fun. Made all the many hours put into it all worth while!
There is a third show for me coming up in September at "The Wildlife Experience" in Denver. Really looking forward to that one. Two of my pieces were juried into this show, by a panel of highly respected people. More about that later.
For now, enjoy the cooler day today. At least here in Colorado it almost feels like fall is sneaking up on us. ~J~

All art, poetry and writings are copyright and cannot be reproduced in any form without written permission from Judith Angell Meyer