Art Prints

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daffodils peeking

LOOK!! My Daffodils are peeking out of the ground through the leaves! I can hardly wait to see them bloom. Except I'm terrified that it will freeze and hurt them. I mean it was 7 degrees this morning, but now this afternoon it is 50 degrees. I have never had Daffodils before, and I am a known plant killer and I'm going to be paranoid until they are really here.

I should explain a little bit. These Daffodil bulbs were the most wonderful gift from my dear friend Lynn. They were for my birthday, but didn't come until it was the right time to plant them here in Colorado. My plant skills are so bad, and didn't want any of the purple to transfer from my thumb to the bulbs, that I stood and read the directions while my son did the digging and setting. Then I took on the task of soaking them as per instructions. I really soaked them too. Being in a drought area, and the ground being poofy dry, I set the water hose on trickle and really let the water soak down the 6" where the bulbs were. Apparently I did good with that.

Now, with the ground still so dry, I'm in a dilemma about starting to water them. If it freezes for several days yet, would the water or dampness freeze around and hurt the new stems? So far I'm keeping them covered with leaves and waiting a while before I start watering.

Well, it is starting to cool down again now, and in a few minutes I have to go let the horses out of the barn, so I'll put my Daffodils to bed by covering them up again. The leaves will hold the warmth in the ground from this beautiful day.

For all of you who laughed when I said I'd write again soon. It has been a week, and for me that is soon. So you can just stop your giggles right now.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

Just a few sweets for all my friends out there. Lots of Valentines this year. I think someone likes me. Ya think?!

Busy with web pages at the moment. I am working with the Greeley Art Association members to each have a page of their own on the GAA web site. So far it has been a lot of fun. First off had to figure out a way to photo paintings underglass in my house. Had that all figured out when I was in my studio and knew the process there, but after setting the studio up in the house, well, boy was there a lot of reflections. The process still works, but I just have to wait until after dark. Too many windows and stray lights. But have the process down, so the rest won't take so much time, and some of the members do have their own photos.

Also busy with the PhotoShop class I'm taking on line. The picture above is a direct result of one of my assignments. I'm really enjoying that class. I really didn't know much at all about the software. Mostly just doctored some family photos as needed, and cropped and reduced the size of photos for the web. I can't say I know what I am doing yet, but am learning and having a lot of fun.

Going to run for now. But will be back with more soon. (Stop laughing!) ...

All art, poetry and writings are copyright & cannot be reproduced in any form without written permission from Judith Angell Meyer